adventure | Are you fucking crazy? |
Umm, yes. I try to do a quick risk/benefit analysis, then drop in. |
archive | What motivates you? |
I like to see product go out the door. I have been a part of developing many consumer products and I like to think that my designs are useful and make peoples lives better. |
people | Do people like you? | Some do, Some don't. I try to be nice and respectful to everyone. Sometimes I come across as arrogant or obnoxious. Some people just don't like me and I can't can't change that so I just avoid them. | ||
snowboard | What do you do for a living? | I'm a Validation Engineer. I think up ways to torture and kill machines to prove they are durable enough for customers. | ||
q & a | What do you do for fun? | Torture and kill machines, preferably other peoples. | ||
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